Thursday 16 May 2019



The principals for the distillation of whisky have changed minimal in the course of the most recent 200 years. Only three essential fixings are required - water, grain and yeast. Innovation presently helps generation, yet generally there are five phases to the procedure - malting, mashing , fermentation distillation and aging. Here we experience and explain every one of these significant stages.

Stage 1 - Malting

Grain contains starch and it is this starch which should be changed over into dissolvable sugars to make liquor. For this to happen, the grain must experience germination and this initial segment of the process is called 'malting'. Every distiller has their very own inclination about the kind of grain they purchase, yet they need a sort that produce exceptional returns of solvent sugar. The grain is doused for 2-3 days in warm water and afterward generally spread on the floor of a structure called a malting house. It is swung normally to keep up a steady temperature. This is likewise done on a business scale in enormous drums which turn.

Image Credits :- peter sandground

At the point when the grain has begun to shoot, the germination must be halted by drying it in an oven. Generally peat is utilized to control the furnace and it is now where the sort of peat utilized and length of drying in the peat smoke can impact the flavour of the spirit. The grain is presently called 'malt' and this is ground down in a plant, with any husks and different flotsam and jetsam being evacuated.

Stage 2 - Mashing

The ground down malt, which is called 'grist', is presently added to warm water to start the extraction of the dissolvable sugars. The water is regularly from an unadulterated, dependable, neighbourhood source - this is the reason most refineries around the globe are beside a waterway or lake. The character of this water can impact the last spirit  as it can contain minerals from disregarding or however stone, peat or other shake. The fluid blend of malt and water is known as the 'crush'. It is put into a huge vessel called a squash tun and mixed for a few hours.

Image Credits :- Benedikt Luning

In  this procedure, the sugars in the malt break down and these are drawn off through the base of the pound tun. The subsequent fluid is called 'wort'. This procedure is regularly completed multiple times with the water temperature being expanded each opportunity to extricate the most extreme measure of sugar. Just wort from the initial multiple times is utilized. The third parcel is returned to the following group of new grist. Any buildup, for example, husks, is called 'draff'. This is gathered and utilized in the generation of ranch feed.

Stage 3 - Fermentation

The wort is cooled and go into huge tanks called wash backs. These are generally made of wood, however at this point various refineries utilize hardened steel. Here the yeast is included and the aging starts. The yeast transforms the sugars that are available into liquor. Likewise with the grain and water, the distiller will cautiously choose the strain of yeast that they use and it can likewise smallly affect the last kind of the spirit.

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The fermentation ordinarily takes around 48 hours to run its common course, albeit a few distilleries will release it for more in order to make further attributes that they require. The fluid at this stage is called 'wash' and is low in liquor quality (between 5-10% ABV), like lager or beer. You could make lager from the fluid now, yet the distinction with whisky is that the fluid is presently refined instead of fermented.

Stage 4 - Distillation

In Scotland, the wash is generally refined twice. In Ireland, it is refined multiple times in spite of the fact that there are special cases in the two nations. Here is a concise clarification of the twofold distillation procedure. The stills are produced using copper, which has been observed to be the best material for separating debasements from the soul as it is being distilled, and comprise of a bowl shape at the base that ascents up to the neck at the top. All are the equivalent in central, however an alternate shape will give an alternate flavour and character to the last spirit. Taller stills with longer necks will give better, lighter spirits while shorter, fatter stills will deliver a more full, more extravagant spirit.

Image Credits:- Emli Bendixen

The stills will in general work in batches. Right off the bat, the wash enters the bigger wash still and is warmed (this was generally by coal, however is presently to a great extent by gas or steam). The fluid vaporizes and ascends the still until it achieves the neck, where it gathers. This fluid is called 'low wines' and is unusable for what it's worth. The low wines are passed to the second even littler, called the soul still. Any buildup from the wash still is gathered and used to fabricate ranch feed. In the spirit, the liquor delivered is part into three.

Alcohols from the earliest starting point of the distilling  (called 'foreshots') are extremely high in liquor level and impactful. Alcohols from the end (called 'bluffs') are feeble yet additionally sharp. It is just the liquor from the centre or 'heart' of the refining that is utilized and this is skilfully expelled by a still man and gathered through the soul safe. The foreshots and bluffs are then blended with the following cluster of low wines and re-refined. The heart is the soul that is then taken to be developed and that will move toward becoming whisky. This 'heart' has a heavy drinker quality of 65-70% ABV.

Stage 5 - Maturation

The spirit  is put into oak casks and put away. The most well-known kinds of oak barrels are those that have recently been utilized in the American whiskey and Spanish sherry maturations. The spirit must develop in wooden oak casks for at least three years before it is lawfully permitted to be called whisky in Scotland. Amid development, the kinds of the spirit  join with normal mixes in the wood barrel and this gives the whisky its very own trademark flavor and fragrance.

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Wood is permeable, so after some time it will take in air from the encompassing condition in which it is put away. This will likewise give the whisky some interesting attributes. On the off chance that the Distillery storage facilities are alongside the ocean, on an island or amidst the Highlands then the air quality, temperature and mugginess will be unique and impact the finished result. Amid every time of development about 2% of the soul is lost through common vanishing. This is known as the angel’s share ' and clarifies why more seasoned whiskies are less promptly accessible and progressively costly to purchase. There is just less whisky in the barrel to bottle.


- Nikhil Deshpande 

  Beverage Chef 
  (Mixoflair Institute of Beverage Studies )

Tuesday 30 April 2019

Liquor Vs Liqueur

The term ‘Liquor’ and ‘liqueur’ are so similar sounding words that they are often considered the same. These terms are usually exchanged for their meanings. Even though these words sound bit similar they are as different as vegetables and fruits.
Liquors are alcoholic drinks obtained by the distillation of vegetables, grains or fruits (raw material for production). The raw material goes through fermentation process before undergoing distillation. Examples of liquors are rum, vodka, whiskey, gin, brandy and tequila etc.

Liqueurs can also be said as candies of alcohol. These are the liquors infused with herbs, fruits, spices, flowers, nuts or cream. Liqueurs are normally heavily sweetened and are allowed to age only for the resting period. Examples of liqueur are bailey’s Irish cream, Frangelico, St-Germain, Sambuca, Cointreau, Campari etc.
Liquor starts its journey by steeping process. Steeping is a process in which raw material (grains, vegetables or fruits) is socked in water. Then through heating process extra moisture is removed. After removal of extra moisture the substance is grinded to powder and then mixed with hot water along with some other ingredients. Then next step is to prepare mash and the liquid after it rests for a while. Now is the time for fermentation process. In this process the liquid extracted from mash is transferred to vats with some yeast and sugar. The taste of liquor depends on the type of raw material used, type of yeast used and the type of sugar added. This is then left for few months. The duration would vary depending of the liquor and other material used. The complex reaction that takes place due to yeast, crabs, sugar and water produces Ethanol (ethyl alcohol). The substance that we get from fermentation process is ‘Wash’. Wash is then heated (between 74*C to 76*C), the alcohol vapors get condensed and collected. This process of heating and condensing the wash is called distillation process and the substance is called ‘Distilled Spirit’. The distillation process may be repeated 2 to 3 times to remove impurities. The final step is the maturation of the distilled spirit in wooden barrels. For the maturation process distilled spirit is transferred to wooden barrels and aged for 2 to 3 years. The wood adds its flavors and the magic is done over time.
Liqueur is an alcohol produced from distilled spirit. Rum, vodka, whiskey, gin, brandy tequila etc. can be used as distilled spirits for production of liqueur. Liqueurs were first produced by Italian monks back in 13 Century as herbal remedy. Herbs, spices and flowers can be preserver for longer time by infusing it with alcohol than in water. Production of liqueur starts with Infusion process. This involves soaking of raw material like herbs, spices, fruits, nuts, cream, vegetables or grains in distilled spirit. This is left for a year so that raw material absorbs the alcohol. The outcome of this process is ‘Tincture’. Next is the ‘Maceration’ method, This is heating of tincture for several days to enhance the flavor. Next is the ‘Percolation’ method. For this method the outcome of infusion is added to a container for heating. The rising vapors are condensed and collected in a pot containing distilled spirit. The outcome of the method is called ‘Extract’.  The extract has enhanced aroma and flavor. Final color, texture, thickness, sweetness is adjusted as per the style of the particular one.
For the final packaging of both alcohols after aging it is refined to remove impurities by filtering. Further some other required substance may be added depending on the taste required. 

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Mocktails, every party must have!

Mocktails every party must have!

Having going through a number of tastes and varieties, I have come up with the concept that why not share the easy going mocktail recipes with all? Being a beverage chef, my personal experience in mixology making has helped me in sharing this with all. 

Well, mocktails, they are an amalgamation of two beverages together. Well, it oozes the freshness in you. But wait a minute, you have got a party at your place, so what special mocktails can be listed? Yes, this thing gives you the lines of tensions. So, don’t worry. Just, scroll this down to see how simple it is to prepare mocktails at your place. So, here are the simple yet easy to make mocktails for every party. Just try them!

Italian Cream Soda

100 ml watermelon flavored syrup
250 ml passion fruit flavored syrup
250 ml carbonated water
30 ml half-and-half cream

Method : Fill in a tall glass with ice and fill 2/3rd of it with carbonated water. Pour in watermelon and passion fruit flavoured syrup, then float half-and-half cream on top. Stir it well when ready to drink. 

Designated Appletini

60 ml fresh apple Juice
20 ml lemon juice
30 ml simple syrup
A slice of apple for garnishing
Granulated sugar for rimming

Method: In a cocktail shaker filled with crushed ice, add apple juice, lemon juice and simple syrup. Shake it well. Strain into a glass rimmed with granulated sugar. Garnish with an apple slice. Serve it chilled.

Shirley Temple

Ingredients :
2 tsp pineapple crush
500 ml Soda
2 tbsp vanilla ice cream
6 to 8 drops lime juice
Ice cubes (crushed)
2 tsp orange crush
Sugar syrup according to taste

Method :
Blend pineapple, orange crush, ice cream and lime juice. Pour in a glass and serve with ice.

Hope, these simple to try and experiment mocktails are of great help for all. So, get these easy to fetch mocktail recipes in all in one (especially for your parties)!

Thursday 11 August 2016

Easy Cocktail Garnish Ideas

Ranging from a flower or petal, an olive or sprig of mint, to a piece of crystallised stem ginger, garnishes add the finishing touch to a cocktail. Garnishing allows you to be creative, but it is intended for enhancing the flavour, colour and overall appearance of your drink rather than disguising it, so ensure you do not make your cocktail to look like fruit salad! Decorate after mixing and pouring the drink.

1.Choose a garnishing fruit that complements or reflects the ingredients of the drink.Apricot wedges to go with an Apricot Sour, Strawberries in a Strawberry Dawn, slices of banana in a Banana Diaquiri. Or try contrasting colours and tastes.

 2.Slices or wedges of lemon, orange and lime are colourful and easy to use.

3.Thread glace cherries on coloured cocktail sticks to achieve a brighter effect.

4.Select exotic fruits such as mango, pineapple or kiwi to enhance tropical drinks.

5.Use of a sprinkling of powdered nutmeg or cinnamon, or grated chocolate, to add to attractiveness of drinks with cream or egg incorporated.

6.Try adding paprika, celery sticks, cucumber slices, stuffed olives and pearl onions to enhance less sweet cocktails.

7.Extravagances such as paper parasols and coloured straws add a flamboyant touch.

8.Twists or spirals of peel are made by using a sharp knife to shave off strips of the coloured part of the peel leaving behind the white pith. The peel is twisted over the drink, releasing a fine spray of oil into the glass and the peel then dropped in.

Monday 22 February 2016

Ice Vs Mixology

Ice Vs Mixology

         Considering the frozen ingredient, it is most appreciated form and is a crucial ingredient that can melt hearts. Yes, when we are talking about Ice, if your ice is too small, then you need to add too much of mixer to the ice and if the ice is too big, then you need to add a very little quantity of the mixer. Then those crushed ice blended are easier for the blended drinks. In many cases, the cubed ice can actually melt fast and that cannot be distributed even more evenly. There is also a need to store the ice in a better way. This can be only done unless and until you have the right storage facility in your bar. Thus, this helps in making it more feasible to get the exact cocktail you have well reserved in your mind. Rounded ice is generally better as compared to the square ones. The reason is that they are less likely to stick together and can actually create problem for the bartender and also the drinker.

Then in the last place, there is actually a need to consider that you need to make sure that you should have a good strong metal ice scoop. In many cases, the ice will stick together and then a metal scoop can be actually used in the breaking of the ice. But in case, you are using plastics ones, they will melt very easily. It should be noted that, you should never scoop the ice directly with the glass. In case, if the glass breaks, then you will have to dump the ice out.  


Monday 11 January 2016

Tiki Cocktail

Tiki culture is a pop culture occurrence that swept the USA in the early 1950's. It happened to be a unique cocktail of Hawaiian dresses and tropical beverages...which dealt all about the good taste details in recent history.

Tiki cocktails turn out to be just one portion of this culture, a fact that continues to prosper even today. When one craves for taking pleasure in any particular thing and is about to make preparations for organizing a theme bash, 'tiki parties' continue to be one of the most preferred ones.
So friends, let's take a glance upon the minute details of what actually a Tiki Cocktail is.

What does a Tiki Cocktail really mean ?

Although there are 'n' number of characteristics that contribute in the making of a tasty and a notable drink of the tiki genre, the following features are considered much often whilst considering a tiki bartender's array -

Usage of Rum :- Any tiki cocktail includes no less than one rum (example: Caribbean), however more number of quantities are also used. Rum is basically distilled alcoholic beverage, that is made from the byproducts of sugar-cane.

Usage of Fruits :- In an exact tropical style, such drinks can include fruit extracts or can have countless number of fruits in that particular beverage. A major part of it include oranges, guava, coconuts, pineapples, etc. The presence of these fruits can also defy the dense alcoholic taste. This makes the cocktails mild enough and suitable for drinkers who fancy not much alcohol flavor. It's like an overpowering experience and gives you such a kick !

Usage of Flavor surfaces :- Use of maximum ingredients adds profundity to the drink's flavor, but again, moderation is the key factor so as to render a delectable experience.

Usage of Spices
 :- Though not compulsory, one can find that cocktails having an ingredient that adds just a quirky finishing touch to it. Falernum (a spiced lime and almond liqueur), cinnamon syrup, Pimento dram (allspice flavored liqueur), etc can be found much often.

Bartender Nikhil (founder, Mixoflair Institute of Beverage Studies) says, "Ever since tiki culture began, recipes were not known to the general public for long. Now that bartenders have began experimenting in their styles and the fact the audience has become much receptive than earlier, it has been gaining much required limelight recently".

Recipe :

1934 Zombie Punch :-

15 ml            Jamaican Rum
15 ml            Gold Puerto Rican Rum 
30 ml            151 Proof Demerara Rum 
1 Tbsp           Grenadine Syrup
15 ml            Cinnamon Syrup
2 Dashes       Absinth
1 Dash          Bitter
4                    Ice Cubes

Method :-

Shake Vigorously
Strain in to a tall tiki mug , filled with crushed ice
Garnish with mint sprig

Tiki culture is a pop culture occurrence that swept the USA in the early 1950's. It happened to be a unique cocktail of Hawaiian dresses and tropical beverages...which dealt all about the good taste details in recent history.

Friday 22 May 2015

The Art of Responsible Bartending

Turkish bartender Atilla Iskifoglu was in the city to give bartenders an insight into flair bartending, the science of bartending and mixology | EPS

He has been a flair bartender and mixologist since 1995,  He has participated in world championships to showcase his skill of flair bartending with the idea of  making it popular. We are talking about the Turkish man with a penchant for flipping bottles, Atilla Iskifoglu, who, with a combination of live shows, television appearances and YouTube videos has made flair bartending a trend indeed. He also participated in Britain’s Got Talent. And, after that appearance, he believes that flair bartending became a rage in the UK. But, what exactly is it? “Flair bartending that got popular in the mid-1990s, includes juggling, flipping and manipulating bar tools,” explains Atilla, who made a pit-stop in the city to teach Hyderabadi bartenders about the craft and also give them an insight into scientific bartending, which is nothing but the science behind mixing drinks. “A lot of bartenders don’t know much about mixing drinks. They just whip up a cocktail as per the menu and serve it to customers,” observes Atilla, who wants to spread the knowledge of scientific bartending throughout the world. “I am on a world tour – teaching bartenders the skill of flair bartending, which is a growing trend today. It is also one of the growing forms of entertainment across the globe,” informs the self-taught flair bartender, who would spend around eight-nine hours a day to master the art.
 1. Cocktail vs Mocktail
As Atilla sips on his glass of water, he explains that he is not too much of an alcohol-person. “I don’t drink a lot of alcohol. And, whenever I do feel like drinking, I have a little Havana Rum,” informs Atilla, who is a bit of a health-freak. The Turkish bartender spends his time and creativity in coming with a variety of cocktails and mocktails. “I love making mocktails – those are healthy and refreshing,” he smiles.
He says that is it all about having the knowledge to mix drinks up. “I have a big book with me, which has abundant information about vitamins and nutrients that come in with fruits and veggies. I try to incorporate those in my cocktails and mocktails.” He believes that this way he can reduce the negative effects of alcohol to a minimum.
“Alcohol, burns the stomach and leads to a health problems. We can’t deny that. But, we can reduce its bad effects by using fresh and healthy ingredients and by reducing the alcohol content in a cocktail,” he adds.
2. Unusual ingredients
Atilla, who has come up with around 300 different cocktails till now, uses some very unusual ingredients when he mixes up drinks for his customers. The most unconventional being spinach. Really? “Yes. I don’t use it in all my drinks. But, I do add spinach in few of my drinks and the customers have loved it,” he shares. Other ingredients that can be found in Atilla’s drinks include honey (instead of sugar syrup), fresh fruits juices (instead of canned ones), ginger, walnuts and some spices. “Using these ingredients not only help us in making a drink taste better, but it also helps reduce the negative effects of a cocktail. Fruits absorb alcohol and honey is healthier when compared to sugar syrup,” he adds.
3. Responsible job
Being a bartender means holding major responsibility, according to Atilla. “As bartenders, we have to make sure that we know what we are serving our customers,” he says, adding that a bartender should learn everything about mixology before going behind the counter to whip up drinks. “This is the reason I am going across the world to train bartenders. I definitely want to spread the art of flair bartending, but I also want to teach bartenders about responsible bartending. Making a cocktail is not just about mixing up spirits and squeezing some lime on top of it. It is about mixing a drink keeping the customer in mind,” signs off Atilla, who wants to spread the word and knowledge about healthy mocktails and cocktails.
While he is busy touring, Atilla continues to practice flair bartending, gearing up to participate in another upcoming championship.

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