Monday 22 February 2016

Ice Vs Mixology

Ice Vs Mixology

         Considering the frozen ingredient, it is most appreciated form and is a crucial ingredient that can melt hearts. Yes, when we are talking about Ice, if your ice is too small, then you need to add too much of mixer to the ice and if the ice is too big, then you need to add a very little quantity of the mixer. Then those crushed ice blended are easier for the blended drinks. In many cases, the cubed ice can actually melt fast and that cannot be distributed even more evenly. There is also a need to store the ice in a better way. This can be only done unless and until you have the right storage facility in your bar. Thus, this helps in making it more feasible to get the exact cocktail you have well reserved in your mind. Rounded ice is generally better as compared to the square ones. The reason is that they are less likely to stick together and can actually create problem for the bartender and also the drinker.

Then in the last place, there is actually a need to consider that you need to make sure that you should have a good strong metal ice scoop. In many cases, the ice will stick together and then a metal scoop can be actually used in the breaking of the ice. But in case, you are using plastics ones, they will melt very easily. It should be noted that, you should never scoop the ice directly with the glass. In case, if the glass breaks, then you will have to dump the ice out.  
